
Burnout: Warning Signs and How to Recover

When you are experiencing burnout - a feeling of mental and physical exhaustion - it is helpful to look at ...

Are You at Risk for Heart disease?

Provided by: TELUS Health Heart disease-a major health risk that can have tragic consequences-is considered a leading cause of death globally according ...

Five Ways to Simplify Your Life

Contributed By: TELUS Health CDSPI's Members' Assistance Program (MAP) provider, TELUS Health recently posted a wonderful new article with advice ...

Dr. Bruce Ward: Asking for Help has Always Been the Right Thing To Do

If you're anything like Dr. Bruce Ward, you've spent more time in the company of your dental colleagues and staff ...

The Importance of Wellness for Dentists: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic

Key Takeaways: The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges to dentistry, impacting the wellness of dental professionals, their staff, and their ...

Perspectives on Wellness: Dr. Diana Liu

Perspectives on Wellness is a series dedicated to wellness in the dental community. This article focuses on Dr. Diana Liu, ...
Man practices how to be mindful

Be Mindful: Five Steps to Improve your Mental Health

"Where did the time go?" This is a common question nearly all of us have thought at some point. Time ...

Building and Keeping Your Dental Team

Overcoming Staff Recruitment and Retention Challenges Recruiting and retaining staff within a dental practice is one of the many challenges ...

Coping with Feelings of Fear and Anxiety About Violence

Acts of violence, whether they occur locally or abroad, can affect our sense of safety -about the present and the ...

Dealing with Cultural Differences in the Workplace

Your office has taken on a new employee who recently migrated to Canada from Singapore. Although she seems nice, you ...

Mental Health: Cultural and Ethnic Stigmas

Mental illness is of such significant concern that the World Health Organization (WHO) has implemented a global Special Initiative for ...

Taking Care After a Traumatic Event

A traumatic event is any situation that causes a person to experience unusually strong emotional reactions that have the potential ...

How a Traumatic Event Can Affect You

A traumatic event is any situation that causes a person to experience unusually strong emotional reactions that have the potential ...

Tips for Helping Your Child Through a Traumatic Event

Children do not have the ability to communicate worries or concerns through words. They just don't have the vocabulary. Teens ...

Managing Expectations About the “New Normal”

If you are feeling unsure of what to expect over the coming weeks and months, you can take solace in ...

Managing stress after a natural disaster

  It can be very challenging to manage stress after a natural disaster, such as a flood, hurricane, tornado, or ...

Supporting employees affected by a natural disaster

  An employee affected by a natural disaster, such as a hurricane, may need support from you as a manager. ...

Helping young children cope after a natural disaster

Although every child's reaction to stress will be unique, there are some common ways that children respond to natural disasters ...

Reduce Your Retirement Stress

The right advice makes all the difference when Planning Your Retirement. Reaching retirement should be a time of celebration. Giving up the ...

Dealing with Disappointment Due to COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has meant upheaval in many areas of life, creating feelings of sadness and disappointment for many. Dealing ...

Practising Positivity

The current pandemic has caused a lot of stress and anxiety for many people. In a world where nothing seems ...

Top Ten Tips for Remaining Psychologically Resilient

Psychological resilience refers to the ability to manage stressors and "bounce back" from challenging life events. It's important to understand ...

Beating the winter blues

Winter can be a tough time for some. As the days get shorter and the temperature colder, your mood and ...

Loneliness and the Holidays

The holiday season can be a lonely time - especially for people who live far away or are estranged from ...

Maintaining Healthy Habits During Challenging Times

We may have the best of intentions when making plans to eat well, exercise and get more sleep, but then ...

Coping with Depression During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought on many challenges, including a rise in the number of people suffering from depression. Some are ...

How to Make Difficult Employee Conversations Easier

No matter how capable and dedicated your employees are, there are times when you need to manage a situation with ...

Good and bad stress: Do you know the difference?

Some stress is actually good for us. It can help our minds focus, our senses sharpen and our bodies get ...

Five Tips to Help Avoid Back Injuries

Hours spent each day leaning over patients can take an excessive toll on a dentist's back. You can reduce your ...