Corporate Governance

Through governance, we stay committed to providing the best possible service to our Members and the dental community. Thanks to the processes and structures adopted by our Board of Directors, CDSPI can achieve its mission.


CDSPI's Board of Directors are elected by the Members at each Annual General Meeting (AGM).

We believe the Board of Directors' composition should reflect various backgrounds aligned with the organization's activities: insurance, investments and financial services; accounting/finance, human resources and information technology; and the dental profession in Canada.



We understand that all Directors' decisions are felt beyond the company — by our Members and the communities we serve.

CDSPI's Board believes that the principles of openness, accountability and continuous improvement need to be well established within its governance.





CDSPI’s Committees report to the Board through a Committee Chair.

A Committee’s primary function is to deal with specific business items that the Board has allocated to it and make recommendations for the Board’s consideration.

CDSPI has the following Board Committees: Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, Human Resources Committee and the Nominating/Governance Committee.


Ethics Hotline

CDSPI is committed to conducting our business to the  highest standards of honesty, integrity, and professionalism in everything we do.

If you have a concern about potential conduct that may be unethical, illegal or fraudulent you may report the matter to CDSPI by using our confidential and anonymous Ethics Hotline.