How to motivate employees to build a successful dental practice

The following article is adapted and reprinted with permission from the TELUS Health website

As a manager, your ability to lead and motivate employees is crucial to the success of your business. When your staff is motivated and engaged, there’s a more positive outlook on work and an increase in productivity. Although it can be challenging, here is some advice from Shepell* to help you boost morale.

Find out what motivates your employees

Motivation is highly individual – so what motivates you may not necessarily motivate your employees. Learn about what's most important to them during one-on-one conversations. While some people are motivated by time with their family, others may be looking for your recognition or for the opportunity to learn a new skill. By knowing what matters to them, you can create a better work environment for everyone.

Train and explain

Focus on providing your employees with the skills and knowledge they need to work effectively. If they don't feel well-equipped, be open to teaching them or arranging for them to get the necessary training. It’s important that employees understand what’s expected of them – so be sure to clearly explain tasks. Providing regular feedback can also help keep them on track.

Be generous with positive feedback and recognition

Both are frequently overlooked by managers but can be powerful motivators for employees. Reward employees’ big achievements, as well as the small steps that they take toward progress. Regularly acknowledge their efforts and be specific about what you appreciate. Thinking of meaningful ways to recognize employees for their hard work also goes a long way.

Care about people and show that you care

Most employees are more motivated when they have a positive relationship with their manager. Find time to regularly talk to them about more than just work. Ask them how they’re doing, their thoughts on the work they’re doing, and if there are any roadblocks hindering their success. Try not to multi-task when talking to employees and remember that they’re much more likely to care about work if they feel respected and appreciated.

Lead by example

Have a positive attitude and maintain enthusiasm about your work. Remember that success starts from the top.

Encourage employees to contact the Members’ Assistance Program (MAP) if they're having trouble staying motivated and/or satisfied at work.

No matter what the issue is, MAP offers customized support to your dental office staff, when and how they want it.

*This information is provided by TELUS Health.