Setting Priorities For Your “New Normal”

You may feel overwhelmed by all you must do after self-isolation lifts, from checking in on relatives to returning to your dental practice. Knowing what matters most to you and letting go of the things that aren’t as important can help you focus on your priorities.


Whether you’re getting back to “normal” in your social, work, or home life, it can be an adjustment.  You might even find that your new “normal” looks a lot different than what you thought it would.


Here are some tips from TELUS Health, our Members’ Assistance Program (MAP)* provider, to help you set priorities during this unprecedented time.


  • Ask yourself what is important.

Do you need to check-in on vulnerable friends or family? Do you need to make time for self-care to help you cope with anxiety or stress? Are you supporting your children as they learn how to cope with their own worries? By identifying what matters most, you can identify what you need to focus on and devote your time to that.


  • Divide your priorities into categories.

These might be: family, friends, work, personal growth, health, etc. They will reflect whatever you feel is important to you right now. You might be surprised to find that these categories have now changed in this “new normal.”   For example, if you’ve discovered a new hobby during the lockdown that makes you happy, you might find that it is a priority to continue it.


  • Make a list of your tasks.

Break your list down into smaller, more manageable, tasks, and work on one at a time. Check off each task as you complete it. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and help you to feel better by controlling what you can.


  • Create a timeline of when you want to complete time-sensitive tasks.

Some tasks will have deadlines, while other tasks will be longer, over-arching tasks that won’t have an end date in sight. If you’ve got time-sensitive priorities, mark them on a calendar with a deadline in mind.


  • Include your family.

If you have a spouse or partner, you might want to suggest that they explore their priorities as well, and discuss them when you’re ready, to ensure you’re on the same page. If you each have different priorities, you might have to discuss what needs your combined focus.


  • Stay in contact with those who matter most to you.

If you used video chat or phone calls to stay in touch with your family during the lockdown, tell them if you would like to continue to do this.


  • Try to do something uplifting every day.

Listen to music, read, or play a board game with friends or family if you’re able to do so while observing your area’s physical distancing rules. Try to spend at least 15 to 20 minutes a day on a healthy, enjoyable activity. It will take your mind off your stress and can give you a boost.


Although your priorities will continue to shift during this time, remember that your CDSPI Members’ Assistance Program (MAP) is always here for you and your family members. You can reach out at any time for counselling and advice on coping with change at 1.844.578.4040 or visit


*This information is provided by TELUS Health.